In Memory

Russ Bentson

Russ Bentson

Warrant Officer Russel Dean Bentson was a US Army helicopter pilot with the 114th Assault Helicopter Company.  He died October 26, 1967 in Dinh Tuong, South Vietnam.

His name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC

For more details see:

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11/12/14 12:42 PM #5    

Richard J. (Dick) Clark

Russ was the worst,

Somewhere between a sargent and officer, for heli. pilotl

Guts? Yes sir and gave the last measure a man can. Still miss him.

Those warrant officers usually had dirt under their fingernails becasue did dirty work.  Faced all, he did.

Go anywhere to war with that man should still be in the fight.


Best wishes to those left behind.

11/14/14 09:18 AM #6    

Stanley Adams

Good to hear from all of you about Russ. Dave Paulsen, Russ and I all swam on the Olympus Swim Team as well as generally just being buddies. I recall vividly about hearing of Russ's passing. It brought Viet Nam home for me. Russ was the first of about three close friends that gave up the ultimate. Lifetime memories, but, when it's all said and done, that's about all we have, memories, of our past relationships and friends. stan adams

11/15/14 11:14 AM #7    

Robert S. (Bob) Bacon

Thank you for sharing your comments about and memories of Russ.  My recollections of him center around the swimming venues at the Granite HIgh School and the Willow Creek Country Club.  Russ mastered the breast stroke, performed well at meets, and made us all proud to be associated with him.  The news of his demise was quite a shock to me as it was to others of our class.  A few years later we lost Ted Thompson and Steve Woodbury; both good friends of mine. Such events are wake up calls to do your best and to cherish the friendships you make duirng your journey.  I am proud of the honorable service Russ gave to the country as a helicopter pilot in spite of the political unrest directed to the country's involvement in the Vietnam conflict.  Russ possessed an inviting personality and a great smile.  I salute you Russ. 

11/15/14 11:47 AM #8    

Richard J. (Dick) Clark

Just my thoughts from three sons who faught

Really do not worry much abaout flag and country, concerned about buddies in the fight with you.

You do all you can to save them and they will for you.  The Soldiers trust.

No one can help a buddy shot but you, not country, not flag, you.

Lost one, and I will never recover, but, the others still in the fight, deal with that.



11/15/14 01:05 PM #9    

Jerry Pratt

It is nice that Russ Bentson is getting so many nice compliments from his fellow classmates from 1964. I honor him for his actions in Viet Nam. I was lucky, I guess. I went and returned back OK. Thanks to Don Allen, the Olympus High electronics teacher, I was put into the Communications group, even though I had no choise due to the fact that I was drafted shortly after high school. In Viet Nam, I would fly around the Country-side in Huey's fixing radios. I am still working in electronics with my own Company, Instrumentation Solutions. RIP Russ.

11/16/14 12:55 AM #10    

Dan (D. J. ) Baker

I did not know Russ but would like to offer my condolences. I was in Vietnam also and have great respect and love for those who passed.


11/17/14 11:31 AM #11    

Barbara Ashpole (Watts)

I would also like to offer my condolences and respect.  He is represenative of many young Americans from our generation who lost their lives in that conflict. He especially belongs to us, from our town, Holladay, and our school, Olympus Class of '64. He walked the same halls we all did and then went out into a world that did not return him. 


11/17/14 12:17 PM #12    

Jerry Pratt

Thanks for your comments Barbara. Viet Nam was a terrible thing for the graduating class of 1964 to walk into. I was drafted and sent to Viet Nam with thousands of others from all over the US. I am against war and somehow don't feel like a military vet. I had to go. What else do you do at age 19? What did we gain from that war and how much have we learned about entering wars with no exit stratagy?

11/23/14 05:37 PM #13    

Richard J. (Dick) Clark

No real comment,

Lost one son to the Iraqi war.

Lose one,pretty heavy, and yet two more sons left serving you every night.

I drafted too in the VN War, went, not my choice.

They can kiss my sweet one, a little angry.


11/11/17 05:31 PM #14    

David Paulsen

Once again on Veterans Day I salute my old friend WO Russel Dean Bentson.  I will never forget

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