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•   Mark Heugly  10/21
•   Ralph Simmons  10/11
•   Jack W. Johnson  10/11
•   Robert S. (Bob) Bacon  9/12
•   Krista Wilhelmsen  9/8
•   David Judd  9/8
•   Cherrill Neff (Oldroyd)  9/7
•   David Burnett  9/6
•   Gary Sandberg  9/5
•   Geoff Colton  9/4
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Percentage of Joined Titans: 78.2%

A:   276   Joined
B:   77   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

10 live in Arizona
26 live in California
8 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
12 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
3 live in Nevada
3 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
1 lives in Tennessee
6 live in Texas
207 live in Utah
2 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Brazil
1 lives in Spain
1 lives in United Kingdom
32 location unknown
115 are deceased

Welcome to the Olympus Class of 1964 Reunion Home Page


This website:

  • Provides a place for classmates to enter their own information
  • Facilitates sharing information to the degree you desire
  • Informs you of any meeting plans including future reunions  

This site is FREE and will not send you spam emails.  To sign up, find your name on the Classmate Profiles page, register with your own password, enter your information, and set your preferences.  It is very easy to add and modify your information.  Registering is not a commitment to attend anything.  

This site is secure and careful about personal information.  Your email address, physical address, and phone number are displayed to no one but the site administrator.  Because your email address is kept confidential, emails generated by this site, including those from fellow Titans, come from "". 

Be sure to open and click on the Opt-In email message when you first register.  If you don't, the site will not send you emails, even from fellow classmates.  You can resend the Opt-In email to yourself at any time, if you forget the first time around.


60th Year Class Reunion

Hello Class of 1964:

We are quite excited to see many of you on Friday, September 6th, 2024, from 5:00 pm to midnight at the Little America Hotel, 500 Main Street, SLC, Utah, 84101. For any of you who wish to stay overnight at the hotel, the management has made arrangements to provide a 15% discount per night. Give the reservation office a call to secure your room. The hotel phone number is 801-596-5700.

In addition to an amazing time of renewing friendships and a delicious meal, we will enjoy an overview of the Utah film industry by Phil Tuckett.  David Judd will share his musical talent.  Kent Wallin will be our master of ceremony that evening. WOW!

Lonnie Chipman and Deon Tanner are graciously underwriting the wine experience during our meal. Please check with either one of them, should you wish to contribute to the cost of that item. The hotel's policy states that no alcoholic beverages can be brought in by patrons from outside the premises. Please also note that should you choose to patronize the cash bar (located in the hotel) before or after the serving of the meal, the purchased beverages cannot be brought into the room we have rented for the evening.

We think business casual or semiformal dress would be appropriate.

The cost for the evening event is $80.00 per person. Please send a check made out to Olympus High School Class of 1964 and mail it to:

  Robert S. Bacon Sr.
  2319 East Indigo Bay Drive
  Gilbert, AZ 85234

Please be prompt in this matter as we are obligated to make final payment on or before August 15, 2024.

We are looking forward to seeing you. 

Our best,

Bob Bacon and Pam Nelson

An Evening with David Burnett  August 27, 2022

We had an informative and enjoyable time on the 27th with Dave's presentation that reminded us of the years of history and experiences we all share.  Dave's remarkable career and experiences as a photo-journalist made the evening quite worthwhile. 

For more details on David's noteworthy career see: 


Touching song by Simon and Garfunkel.  Lyrics and rendition on the left menu - Old Friends/Bookends.  Thank you Gary Sandberg for bringing this to our attention.

50 YEARS of PHOTOGRAPHS - D. BURNETT - May 22, 2014

David Burnett has put together a slide program of his photographs from the last fifty years.  The images are stunning.  Play the slide show by going to the menu item on the left, Remembering 1964, and clicking the link. 

1964 VIDEO POSTED – January 21, 2014

PBS recently aired a two-hour special on the year, 1964, on The American Experience program.  We have posted a link to the video.  Click on the left menu item Remembering 1964 for details. 

WEBSITE LAUNCHED - August 16, 2013

Site launched with only a handful of registrations the first few days.  Now, many more.  See Finding Fellow Titans for an update.  If I misspelled your name, correct it when you register.  

Initially there are only a few yearbook pictures loaded up, but there will be more until all Titans have a picture, thanks to the Wilhelmsen brothers who are tackling the project.

Harvey Cahoon

Site Administrator